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EducationFebruary 11, 2022
Teachers’ Union President Knows Masks ‘Impede Learning,’ Supports School Mask Mandates Anyway
There may be no one more cynical, more corrupt, more duplicitous than Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers. She’s been out in front of news cameras for ages now, stumping for remote learning, school closures, and several ridiculous COVID measures in school that do pretty much nothing but make learning difficult.
As parents and students start to protest and file lawsuits against districts and school boards, teachers and the unions have been fighting to keep the muzzles on. They don’t care about how much it hurts the students. They don’t seem to care about the deleterious effects the masks have on learning. It doesn’t seem as if they are concerned at all about students. They’re just out to get all the goodies and benefits they can squeeze out of taxpayers.
Further proof of the nature of teachers’ unions comes from this little interview Weingarten did with CNN, in which she admits that she knows masks are terrible for learning.
Union Boss Weingarten Still Supports Mask Mandates Even Though She Knows They “Impede Learning”youtu.be
“We know that masks impede learning, but we also know that masks were there for the safety of, you know, our kids, our communities, and ourselves.”
Yeah, except not really… The CDC kowtowed to the unions to keep masks on the kids, even though, we know cloth masks do very little. They just have a compulsion, a pathological need to keep masks on students, regardless of what evidence comes out against them.
It should be crystal clear by now that the teachers’ unions and their constituents couldn’t care less about students, about your children. About their education, their futures, or their emotional and mental well-being. They do not care.
If the teachers cared, they’d recognize that masks don’t do much at all except negatively affect students. They’d look at the evidence around them and start making decisions supported by real science as opposed to “the science,” which we know they help to dictate.
But they don’t. And they won’t. And parents should stop hoping they will because it isn’t about to happen.
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