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Culture WarsNovember 17, 2023
Tennessee Town Bans “Indecent Exposure, Public Indecency” In Public... Why Does Gavin Newsom Think That Means Banning "Gay?"
The left does not expect certain groups of people that they have labeled “disadvantaged” to meet the same standard of behavior as most people. This is what we call "soft bigotry,” which is a form of prejudice that is mostly characteristic of liberals.
The left's most recent outburst of public bigotry has manifested in homophobia.
Murfreesboro passed an ordinance in June banning “indecent behavior,” including “indecent exposure, public indecency, lewd behavior, nudity or sexual conduct.”
But the left is going insane because one of the city codes that was written in 1949 states that sexual conduct includes homosexuality.
According to the city manager “The term homosexuality is an anachronism unenforceable under current law,” Tindall's report said. “Therefore, it should be excluded from the definitions used in these ordinances.”
Obviously, the intent was never to ban being gay in public. It was meant to ban pornography, nudity, and lewd behavior.
However, in order for the left to stop crying and slandering this very based town, on Nov. 2 the city council voted to remove the word "homosexuality" from the definition of inappropriate sexual conduct.
Anyone who violates the new ordinance is barred from hosting public events or selling goods and services at public events for two years. Anyone who violates the ordinance “in the presence of minors” is barred for five years,” according to Yahoo News.
The law is intended to maintain public decency, and family-friendly environments in public places and protect against harm to minors.
The left is now choosing to ignore these very relevant facts in order to support their lie that gay rights are being under attack.
“A city in Tennessee has banned being gay in public,” Calif. Gov. Gavin Newsom wrote on X. “This is just the beginning. We have to call this out.”
It’s comments like the one from Newsom that makes one wonder: Are progressives extremely stupid, abhorrently evil, or that bigoted?
In Newsom's case, it is probably safe to assume all three are correct.
Because you would have to basically be mentally retarded to conclude that Murfreesboro is going after the gays since the law applies to all people. You would have to be extremely evil to purposely lie and make people think that when it is obviously not true. Or you would have to be extremely bigoted to believe that lewd behavior and exposing one’s genitals to children is inherent to being gay.
Since you cannot have sex in public, the left is claiming this means you can’t be gay.
Honestly, the left does not deserve the benefit of the doubt with this one. You have to be an extremely degenerate person to twist public indecency like it’s a good thing.
Remember, when the left screams “equal rights,” we know that doesn't actually mean “equality.” By equality, they really want special rights. And because this law bans lewd behavior for both gay and straight people, that makes it bad.
You know, because the left can’t have “equality” get in the way of gay rights.
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