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AbortionMay 16, 2019
Thanks Leftists, for Admitting You Think Abortion is a Form of Contraception
Despite all the squawking, arms waving, swearing and screaming, I always knew leftists viewed abortion as a form of contraception. You idiots denied it for years, so you could have your cake and smear it with dead baby jelly. But with the Alabama abortion ban being signed by Governor Kay Ivey, leftists have all but admitted that yes, you do think abortion is a form of contraception. Allow me to demonstrate using your own words:
See, having an abortion is the same thing as performing a procedure which prevents pregnancy. Contraception.
See, abortion is the same thing as a man getting it up. Or in this case, not.
Listen to Joy Behar say the men who voted for the Alabama Law should get a vasectomy.
See, if you don't want women to have their access to abortion-birth control, then you men can't fire live ammunition. Abortion=birth control.
And this idiot:
No abortion=we'll take away sex. Because without abortion, we haven't a way to prevent pregnancy. Abortion=birth control. Related: OPINION: Alyssa Milano's Sex Strike Proves Women are Already in Perfect Control of Their Bodies.
But this one is the winner:
See. Abortion=tampons. Which, as a hint, tampons just keep the blood from gushing and ruining your favorite pants. So please, keep using them, my ladies.
That's just a sampling. The main conclusion I've drawn is:
You can only equate the killing of an already conceived child with the supposed prevention of the conceiving of that child if you are, in fact, an anti-science moron who's either stupid on accident, or spreading stupid to maintain your "right" to kill a human being.
Either way, shame on you.
Having a vasectomy is a form of contraception: firing blanks means no fertilized egg. Having your tubes tied is a form of contraception: no swimmers can reach the eggs, the eggs cannot even meet them halfway. Like Gandalf saying YOU SHALL NOT PASS.
If an egg isn't fertilized, there's no baby. Once the sperm and egg have had their meet-cute: baby.
Yet you wizards of supposed SCIENCE equate forms of contraception with abortion. Not the same, but thanks for telegraphing you think it is. You glimmering titans of science, you.
Dropping abortion down a level to a form of contraception lessens what abortion actually is, it removes the gravity of the "choice" it is. Your equating of abortion with tampons (Gawd), slipping on a rubber, or tying of the tubes, is purposeful. You do it so you can say "See, SEE, the GOP is against contraception! The GOP wants women pregnant and in the kitchen, they won't even give us access to abortion-birth control!" Related: No, You Sick F*cks, It’s Not Compassionate to Abort Your Baby.
When really, we just don't want men and women massacring their babies which they brought into existence with their sexual nookie. Tie all the tubes you want. Snip all the snaps you need to. But don't confuse the snipping of tubes with the snipping of a child's spinal column. Common ground? Of course not. You want to kill kids. Just be honest about it, and don't call it or even equate it with something it isn't: contraception and birth control.
~ Written by Courtney Kirchoff
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