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2024 ElectionJune 28, 2019
The Democrats Love Losers and Need People to Stay Losers
The Democrat Party wants its voters to think it supports "the little guy," but the Democrat Party supports itself on the little guy, much like a drunk supports itself on a stool as it calls for another round.
Didn't your mother always tell you that bullies use putdowns to elevate themselves? Bernie and his Democrat cohorts do exactly the same. They demonize the high achievers to make their base feel better about themselves. A base made up of losers who must remain losers.
Allow me to define loser before someone ignores everything else I type in a race to prove my point. A loser here is he, she or ze who doesn't believe in him, her or ze-self for either a good reason or not. The result of which is a person who doesn't take care of him, her or ze-self and demands others take care of him, her or ze-self (gender acceptance is such an annoying concept) via any of the following:
- Student loan forgiveness paid for by taxpayers
- Healthcare paid for by taxpayers
- Universal Basic Income paid for by taxpayers
- Menstrual products (for the feminists) paid for by taxpayers
- And [insert other things I may have forgotten] paid for by taxpayers
Which translates into the accomplished funding the pathetic lives of losers. The moment a loser transforms itself (I'm tired of the gender fluid pronouns) into a capable person, fending for itself in the wild First World, that person no longer needs a political hack to steal from those who earn to give to those who refuse to take care of themselves.
So what we have is a vicious cycle. The Democrats need to stay in power, and to stay in power they need victims who need to keep voting for them to give to those victims. But the minute people are no longer victims, when they transform into self-sustaining beings, they find they're not keen on having their resources stolen from them and given to losers.
Democrats need the weak to stay weak, the poor to stay poor, the victims to stay victims. Which is exactly why they want open borders with Mexico allowing in "refugees" who need the welfare state.
For proof of this assertion, which is hardly original, last night's Democrat Debates.
The economy is enjoying record highs, record unemployment lows, record high wages. Yet listen to the Democrats in last night's debate, and you'd think people were crawling on the streets in search of rats with pizza slices. Kamala Harris even said voters "Don't want to see a food fight, they want us to help them put dinner on the table."
Here, time-stamped:
Democrats are painting America as a dystopia because Democrats need America to be a dystopia. If Republicans are the party of the rich and successful, doesn't that mean Republicans want their voters to be rich and successful? So then the opposite is true: Democrats need their base to be poor and downtrodden.
Notice, also, that Democrats never champion policies which elevate people. Democrats never come up with ways to "solve" poverty, only ways to ensure it. Welfare checks are only awarded to those who do not work, and if you make just too much more than your welfare check, you'll get cut off. The system is designed to keep you on it, not to encourage you to move off of it. Similarly, taxing the rich doesn't mean more money for the poor. It just means less money for "the rich." Whatever "the rich" means on any given day.
All this means is the Democrats are not FOR their base. They're FOR themselves. And in order for themselves to win, their base, and Americans need to be needy, helpless, pathetic losers.
It's rather insulting, no?
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