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Free SpeechApril 17, 2017
'The Simpsons' Hilariously Destroys Woke College Students Using Actual Quotes
After twenty-eight seasons, some might say The Simpsons is well past its prime. Like Madonna sixty years ago. But unlike Madonna, the show still has little goodies here and there. For instance, when Mr. Burns runs into SJWs at Yale. The Simpsons impressively covered just about every possible breed of SJW, including actual Yale students (see Yale Midterm Optional… For Students Traumatized by Election and Dumbass Yale #SJW's Verbally Assault Professor of “Safe Spaces").
And while the word "destroy" gets thrown around a lot these days...
The Simpsons hit the nail on the head here. Even Yale has devolved into politically correct hysteria. They boast student accomplishments such as AntiFa, BlackLivesMatter, and other associated leftist protesters. In fact, if ever there was an accurate representation of current the college climate - this is it. Have we mentioned lately that you shouldn't go? Read Dear High School Students: Don't Go to College. No Seriously...
Gone are the days of the gold standard within higher education. At present, universities appear as little more than odorous lagoons prime for breeding mouth-breathing marsh ogres. You know the ones I'm talking about...
Let's not get it twisted. No one here is going to confuse anyone associated with The Simpsons as being a Trump supporter, but this goes to show just how tired everyone is of social justice warriors' antics. And lack of hygiene.
SJWs have managed to create a new identity within leftism, with which even many registered Democrats themselves no longer identify. Hence all the liberals denouncing the modern left (see Dave Rubin Perfectly Explains Why He Abandoned The Left...). So in a sense, social justice basket cases have managed to unite everyone else against their stupidness. Silver lining.
Speaking of colleges, check out MIT's latest propaganda...
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