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ArticlesMay 07, 2019
Think Progress is Sad 'Game of Thrones' May Not Be About Climate Change After All
Leftist propoganda experts Think Progress has a sad. They are sad Game of Thrones may not be an analogy for climate change after all. The following may contain spoilers. Honestly, the show isn't my Starbucks cup of tea left on a table, so I don't watch it myself. But you keep doing you if you do. Just don't whine that I spoiled anything.
Game of Thrones has long been seen as a metaphor or parable for the climate crisis...but in the show’s eighth and final season, HBO’s writers and show runners have literally shattered the entire metaphor. (Warning, spoilers are coming.)One of the show’s heroes single-handedly ended the existential climate threat with a clever knife trick — abruptly returning the storyline to a conventional tale of humans fighting among themselves for political power.
In the real world, climate change is far too challenging a threat to be ended by one person — or even one battle that doesn’t include all of the major powers.
Not the most ridiculous aggregated global change climate warming take we've heard (see MSNBC Guest Compares Climate Change to Space Alien Invasion and Climate Change Alarmists Glued Themselves to Furniture for the Planet). But I feel there's still a teachable moment here. Mayhaps you should NOT rely on fictional television shows to push your agenda for you.
This is hard for most progressives. Because they feel every time you are in front of a screen, they need to beat you over the head with their political talking points. Maybe that was the original intention of the books Game of Thrones is based upon. But sometimes a boring show about boobs and dragons is just a boring show about boobs and dragons. Just let it be what it is, not what you want it to be.
If anything, a more pressing question is how anyone can make a show about boobs and dragons so boring. It defies all logic. Much like many climate change alarmists.
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