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ArticlesApril 20, 2020
Donnell Rawlings Compares CNN to a Nagging Girlfriend and it's the Perfect Analogy
If you're reading this, there's an above-average chance you believe CNN sucks. Which it does. It su-diddly-ucks hard. Sometimes, you wonder if anyone at the network is self-aware of just how badly the problem is. Comedian Donell Rawlings (see Comedian Donnell Rawlings Defends Chappelle, “Dave Can Not Be Cancelled" and Dave Chappelle Accepts Mark Twain Prize, Defends 2nd Amendment [VIDEO]) even has the perfect analogy for how much they bomb. If Brian Stelter sees this, he's going to cry himself to sleep again.
CNN is like a nagging girlfriend. It's like, "Oh, b*tch, shut the f*ck up. The same sh!t, b*tch? ... You ain't got nothing else to argue about? Five years ago, you haven't found another argument? CNN will be like, "You remember that time?" ...If you listen to too much CNN, you don't even know what the f*ck is going on with nothing other than how much you hate this motherf*cker."
That motherf*cker, of course, being Donald Trump.
Really, think about it. How much of CNN this past month has been information about the coronavirus and what's being done to combat the coronavirus, and how much has been CNN complaining about the president and how much he is to blame for all the things? Ignoring the World Health Organization. Ignoring China. And quite frankly, ignoring that what Trump was saying about the virus in the beginning was pretty much the same as what everyone else was. Including CNN.
It's not you, CNN. It's me. Actually, no. It's you.
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