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TyrannyMay 05, 2020
Texas Judge Encourages Texans to Snitch on Violators of Governor's Orders
It's sometimes difficult to remember the way the good old days were. When you could find toilet paper. When people could go to places and socialize with other people who went to places. And when snitches got stitches, as opposed to being encouraged to snitch by elected officials (see DE BLASIO ASKED PEOPLE TO SNITCH ON SOCIAL DISTANCING VIOLATERS. HE GOT DICK PICS INSTEAD! and THIS SOCIAL DISTANCING SNITCH IS THE HERO WE DESERVE). The great state of Texas started reopening this weekend. Less-than-great Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo would like to recruit a few good tattletales.
What happened next will NOT shock and awe you in the slightest.
Over the weekend, the online form for reporting violations of Governor Abbott's order was targeted by out-of-state political activists opposed to measures in place to protect public health. In response, the Harris County Fire Marshal's office temporarily removed the form to focus on verifiable complaints.
Though before that, there were over 450 complaints that quote "merited official investigation."
This is the most alarming thing about this whole ordeal. Not the initial shutdown. Not being asked to wear a mask or stand at least six feet away from someone. It's the number of our neighbors who are willing to sell other neighbors out. "Neighbor" in the broad sense. My actual neighbors stand on the curb drinking beer while the kids play, asking each other "So ... can you believe what's going on?"
But there are actual American citizens who will rat out other American citizens just for not wearing a mask. Or for having too many people at one time in the same place. Or for only standing five feet, nine inches from each other. The number of fellow Americans who let themselves be scared into being tattletales is what's alarming.
Or maybe they weren't scared into tattling so as much as this is who so many of them are. You see it on social media with people looking to get others fired over saying a single word they don't like. It's just still shocking to see it happen IRL.
EXPOSED: The Man Behind the Overblown COVID Predictions! | Louder with Crowderwww.youtube.com
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