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PoliticsOctober 01, 2021
Three You May Have Missed: Democrats Hate Science and Parents
We here at the Louder with Crowder Dotcom website know y'all busy. Everyone is out there doing their best to live, thrive, and survive. During our down time, many have taken to chanting about fornication and our president, while clapping along in unison. Some issues we've opined on can sometimes slip through the cracks. So here are three from the week we feel deserve a second look.
Joe Biden says America won't get back to normal until 97% have gotten shots. In case you needed another reason to chant "F*ck Joe Biden."
97 to 98 is a percentage that means everyone. Once again, the two words not uttered in this conversation: natural immunity. No one here is following the science. What is being followed are history books which give detailed accountings of dictators rising to power. Mainly the chapters on separating a segment of the population from the rest and blaming them for the problems of the whole. In this case, the reason things aren't back to normal is because of those dirty unvaccinated people spreading a disease that's killing people.
Terry McAuliffe, the candidate for Virginia governor, said the quiet part out loud. He doesn't think parents should have a say in their kids' education.
Sure, we could wave our hands and roll our eyes while saying "McAuliffe is Virginia's problem." But that would be a mistake. If we've learned anything about Democrats, it's they're cut from the same dirty mask cloth. Take McAuliffe and drop him into your state and it's just as much of a problem. Democrats do not want parents involved in what your children are taught. But Democrats do want the money from parents to brainwash their children.
Finally, YouTube is cracking down on anyone it deems "anti-maxine." I say cracking down. Censoring. They are censoring people.
Policing content like this doesn't end well. Zoom out and stop focusing on this being "but it's just about v*cc*nes." No. It's about what information or "misinformation" Big Tech and Big Government doesn't want you to know, to see, to consider, to discuss with your friends, family and cohorts.
Enjoy the weekend!
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