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ArticlesFebruary 04, 2019
Top 20 Reactions to Ralph Northam's Racist Yearbook Photo
This Ralph Northam saga has to be the funniest instance of leftist dumbassery since Elizabeth "1/1024th" Warren's 23 & Me screwup.
First, he was dreadfully sorry about his history of blackface and/or KKK cosplaying past. Then, he was certain he did no such thing, except for this one time when he broke out the shoe polish to look like Mikey Jackson.
Naturally, this gave way to some pretty hilarious mockery. Here are the top 20 reactions:
To be fair, the quality of Northam's hood was vastly superior. He opted for the deluxe model with the full-view eyeholes.
Pardon me for just a moment.
I certainly wouldn't put it past him.
Good point. For all the left's talk about the Donald being a racist douchenugget, they have yet to produce a single shred of proof. Unlike "anti-racist" Ralphie Northam, with his storied history of blackface.
Precisely. This is the beginning Northam's end in the political sphere.
As always, those Hodge Twin rascals devastate their target. I dare anyone to try and rebut their rebuttal.
Yeah, even some Ralph's fellow lefties are thinking it's time to hang up the hood and call it a day.
Even though many on the left are calling for Northam's head on a pike, they're being surprisingly subdued. Methinks they wouldn't be behaving so sensibly if this were a Republican on the chopping block.
Those meddling kids!
The resemblance is uncanny.
Judging from his history, yes, Northam's relationship with shoe polish is a romance for the ages.
Yep, it's a flop.
I mean, he's not wrong.
He's halfway to the other side by now.
This is true. Sure, being a racist dickbag is bad, but advocating for baby-murder is a whole other level of twisted.
Yep, it almost seems like karma. Ralph goes on a rant about the importance of debraining infants. Now, he's in the midst of an electoral abortion. Talk about poetic justice.
This is a fair point. Abortion disproportionately affects black children. In fact, one might even call it the most racist institution in the U-S-of-A.
I don't know about the rest of you, buy I'm betting Ralph will moonwalk off into the sunset by tomorrow afternoon. I guess we'll see.