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Climate ChangeMarch 26, 2024
Toronto considering taxing residents for how much it rains, and the bigger your property the higher the tax
We are used to officials demanding we are taxed to contribute to their efforts in supposedly controlling how many inches of rain we get. But it’s not every day that we hear the climate alarmists demand we fork over funds for common weather occurrences that have been happening since the beginning of time. Progressives tend to use weather as some sort of “proof” that the climate is changing even though weather and the fact that it changes has been evident since humans walked this earth.
But we are currently living in a time where any weather that was once considered a natural phenomenon is evil. In other words, any “change” in weather is bad and is the result of humans breathing out Carbon Dioxide. And that, my friends, is exactly what climate change is.
So of course, the City of Toronto is now mulling a so-called “rain tax.”
For sheer gall, for its bottomless brazen brassiness, you can’t beat this one: a tax on rain. You almost have to admire the Bolsheviks who presently run Canada’s largest city, for their inventiveness and their total indifference to the taxpayer.
And, let’s make one thing clear: we are not making this up, Virginia. Toronto-stan’s commissars have even issued a call for people to participate in what they call, benignly, a “Stormwater Charge & Water Service Charge Consultation.”
By calling it a “stormwater charge” do officials think residents are too dumb to realize that stormwater is the same thing as rain?
Here’s a few gems from their call for “consultation.” Get your smelling salts ready.
“The City of Toronto is consulting with water users and interested parties on the possible implementation of a stormwater charge,” they write, neglecting to mention that “water users” are all sentient beings living within the confines of Gulag Tee Dot.
Don’t you love how liberals always try to dehumanize humans? In this case, rather than saying “people” they have used the term “water user”. Typically, we usually see this with “inclusive language” that dehumanizes women, like “pregnant people”.
They want to have “a stormwater charge for all property classes” – meaning, everyone will ultimately pay for the invasive wet stuff. Why? Well, just because.
Also, those pesky raindrops don’t just soak into the grass and plant life – which, last time we checked, is arguably a good thing – they sometimes dribble off into the sewers. Which, you know, were built to accommodate water that occasionally falls from the sky. But never mind.
Here in the Six, the Union of Soviet Toronto Republics, all that is now considered a bad thing. Writes the politburo:
“Stormwater is rain and melted snow. When not absorbed into the ground, stormwater runs off hard surfaces, onto streets, down storm drains and through a network of pipes that carry it into local waterways… Too much stormwater can overwhelm the city’s sewer system, which can lead to flooded basements and impacts to surface water quality in Toronto’s rivers, streams and Lake Ontario’s waterfront.”
Question: How would taxing residents do ANYTHING to decrease the amount of rain and snow? If too much stormwater can “overwhelm the city’s sewer system, which can lead to flooded basements” how would taxing for such a natural phenomenon do anything to change that?
Answer: It will not do any of that.
To be clear, rain taxes are not as uncommon as you might think. Lots of liberal places already charge for this natural phenomenon through the guise of things like stormwater fees or taxes. But dealing with things like “stormwater” should already be included in the nonsense taxes these people charge to begin with. That is literally their job and you don’t get to start asking for more money for your literal job description. It’s like a secretary asking for a $1 pay increase for typing because it makes her wrist hurt. The typing compensation is already included in the hourly rate.
Question: Is rain good or bad? Because we often hear that we are not getting enough rain. But it's either not enough or too much. There is no winning with these people.
Answer: Rain is neither good nor bad. It is the changing in weather from season to season and day to day that is bad. Hence the word “climate change.” Any “change” is bad. And to go from a snowy winter to a rainy spring is the fault of humans for breathing. DUH!!
What’s next, a breathing tax? Why not? Considering every time you breathe you omit Co2, AKA greenhouse gases.
How much of these taxes do you think will actually go to “fixing” stormwater-related issues? Because I would predict close to none.
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