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CultureJune 08, 2018
Transwomen Win Girls' Track Meet. The Looks on the Real Girls' Faces Says it All.
Repeat after me: girls' sports are for girls. So that girls can have fun and compete against other girls. Girls' sports are not strictly for entertainment. Nor are girls' sports a way for crappy male athletes to feel good about themselves. We clear? Now watch this:
Did you see the look on the girls' faces? The ones who didn't win? Says it all, doesn't it?
The results of the CIAC State Open track and field championships would show that Terry Miller won the 100-meter dash in a meet record time of 11.72 seconds.The results would show that Miller, the sophomore from Bulkeley High School in Hartford, won the 200-meter dash in a meet record time of 24.17 seconds.
Terry Miller is a biological male. He has a Y-chromosome and has been awash in testosterone since conception. Meaning he has a clear biological advantage in sports against women. Yet here he is beating out real girls, who're too afraid (my guess) to speak out.
This is real "male privilege," feminists. Do something about it. Read also Wake Up ‘Feminists’: Transgenderism is the War on Women!
And to watch Miller, who competed on the boys team during the winter indoor season, dominate the sprints Monday as a girl left one convinced the competitive field remained uneven.
Because it is uneven. In general, due to testosterone, boys are better at sports than girls (Joe Rogan on Transgender Athletes and “Sandbagging”) They have a biological advantage. They're born with it. The definition of unfairness is making girls compete with boys in athletics.
So what's being done about it?
On Monday, Moore said, “I’ve been stopped by at least five coaches (Monday), all of them saying they really liked what I said in the paper. How come other coaches aren’t talking? This is a big issue a lot of coaches have, that we’ve got to do something, but how come you’re not saying anything? I’ve said what I needed to say. I’m getting a little annoyed with the coaches that we haven’t been able to get together and do what’s best for everybody.”
I'll take a stab at it. Anyone who dares say "Transwomen aren't real women" is ostracized from civilized society. If one points out the Emperor isn't wearing new clothes but is naked, one is banished. Bullied. Erased from the ledgers of our time. That's why coaches are muttering about how unfair the laws are to their girls. Privately. That's why few are raising their hands to say "But what about all that testosterone and stuff?"
I can say it because I'm paid to give my opinion. But make no mistake, if I had to apply for another job, and one Googled me, I'd likely be asked by some leftist hiring monkey "Did you frequently write that transwomen weren't real women?" To which I'd answer in the affirmative. Then walk out of the office, never to be seen again. I'd probably capitalize on the moment and offer the hiring manager a glimpse of my finely polished middle finger.
But the coaches need to gather their strength in numbers and speak out for these students. They need to form a united front and fight for what is actually right: girls' sports are for girls to compete against other girls. If the trans students want to compete, form a different league. But leave the girls' alone.
Feminists, you can chime in any time. Water's warm. But it's full of boys who'll never have to worry about bloodying the waters. You feel me?