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UncategorizedAugust 25, 2016
College students protest concealed carry rights by flashing sex toys
Editor's Note: On this day in 2016...
It's the rational arguments leftists make about gun control (see EXPOSED: Hidden Camera Reveals Dem Delegates Want To Ban ALL Guns and Bill Maher on Liberals: ‘They Don’t Know S*** About Guns!’) that allows us to have serious conversations about gun issues. Arguments like whipping out sex toys to protest concealed carry on campus. Yes, this is a real thing. No, this is not The Onion.
No, this video isn't safe for work. Unless you work at home, in a basement, alone...
Students and activists at the University of Texas at Austin voiced their displeasure with the campus carry law that went into effect earlier this month across the state by strapping sex toys to their backpacks and grabbing suggestively themed T-shirts.
Um. I know in some works of literature, weapons like swords or long guns are phallic symbols, but I'm just not sure how protesting guns on campus inspired these "students" to think the best way to protest was with dildos. Someone want to help me out here?
A protest organizer told the Austin American-Statesman that if the demonstration seemed over the top, that was the intent. Ana López said the demonstration was created to flout obscenity laws while protesting legalizing handguns on campus.The protests, though, seemed to be getting little serious pushback. University administrators were quick to describe the protest as protected political speech. And a student concealed carry group also supported the protesters’ free speech rights, touting a “gun/dildo alliance.”
That last sentence is the key to dealing with college leftists...subtly mock them. "You're right. Just like I'm legally allowed to carry a gun for my protection, you should legally be allowed to wave your sex toys around all willy nilly."
I haven't even had my coffee yet...
What the strap-on students don't seem to understand is the remaining constitutional Amendments which follow the First Amendment. While yes, the Dames of the Dildo have the "right" to wave around their giant rubber dicks, other students have a Second Amendment right to protect themselves from those wishing them harm. Say, for example, a female student might carry a gun to protect herself from the alleged "rape culture" (not a real thing, the "rape culture"), so when a male equipped with more than a vibrator attacks her, she can drop him with a weapon. Which is not a phallic symbol.
Fighting dildos with boob guns. Had to go there.
But of course you know all that. Admit it, you came to this article to LOL at the idiot students who are now forever on camera, seen supporting the handing out of sex toys to combat Second Amendment rights. Not exactly what I'd call an intelligent move, but to each her own. I'd love to be on the interview panel when this woman tries to get a serious job, though. Can you imagine?
Also, and this is a serious question, if there's a shooting on campus, will the students combat it by flinging condoms at the shooter? Because "safe" sex? Asking for a friend.
Since what this group is doing is neither common nor sensible, it's time to drop a little display of our own. Check out this video.