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ComedyJune 26, 2021
Victoria's Secret's New Woke Marketing is Worse Than We've Possibly Imagined Judging From This Video
Victoria's Secret broke the hearts of anyone who used to be a pubescent boy. Gone are the Victoria's Secret models we've come to know and love. They're being replaced by people neither man or woman wants to see in their unmentionables. Though, in the company's defense, it's not the worst underwear-related decision we've seen lately. That honor goes to the new George Floyd line of bra and panties. Victoria's Secret is just the most iconic. And judging by this JP Sears video, things are about to get a whole lot worse.
Victoria's Secret Has Gone Woke!youtu.be
Suggesting you have to be a WOMAN to wear WOMEN'S LINGERIE? It's a harmful message because it discriminates against women who aren't women. And with lingerie suggesting you have to be attractive to someone in order for them to be attracted to you has NO biological basis and is scientifically inaccurate because of racism. And only using humans to model women's lingerie is rooted in species supremecy and is evdient by centuries of the patriarchy. Which was created by humans.
"Your logic is so flawed, son, it almost makes sense." - John Dutton
Now let me introduce you to the newest Victoria's Secret mode ... um, achievement achiever, Laurel Hubbard! I'm kidding, of course. Though after Hubbard kicks all the lady weightlifting ass in the Tokyo Games, I'm sure there will at least be phone calls.
It's still unclear if VS will become the latest company to get woke and go broke. It's also unclear if Frederick's of Hollywood is going to follow suit by naming actor Fred Willard as their new national spokesman. I just hope Victoria's Secret has more success with Megan Rapinoe than Subway did. I doubt I'm the only one who noticed the "sandwich" company cut her out of their commercials as much as they could once people realized how annoying she is.
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Thanks Feminism! Megan Rapinoe RUINS Victoria's Secret | Louder With Crowderyoutu.be
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