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FeaturedApril 20, 2021
Opposing Voter ID is Racist: Change My Mind
The left claims asking for voter ID is racist. Crowder counters that OPPOSING voter ID is racist. Who's right? Crowder took to a college campus to let people make their case.
Opposing Voter ID is Racist | Change My Mind | Louder with Crowderyoutu.be
- If requiring ID is "racist," then airlines, liquor stores, movie theaters, and gun shops are racist.
- DEFINITION OF RACISM: "A belief thatrace is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race." SOURCE:Merriam-Webster
- THE 15TH AMENDMENT:"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." SOURCE:Constitution Center
- Majorities of whites (74%), blacks (73%), and other minorities (82%) say voters should be required to show photo identification before being allowed to vote. SOURCE: Rasmussen
- 87% of black people have some form of confirmed photo ID. SOURCE: ProjectVote (pg. 3)
- 90% of Latin Americans have a form of confirmed photo ID. SOURCE: ProjectVote (pg. 3)
- Percentage of Americans who have ID vs. percentage who vote. SOURCE: CNN
- 87% of black people have ID, only 13% voted in the 2020 Election.
- 90% of Latin Americans have ID, only 13% voted in the 2020 Elections.
- 95% of white people have ID, only 67% voted in 2020 Elections.
- 97% of registered voters in Georgia have a valid ID. SOURCE: AJC
- Voter ID laws have been shown to actually INCREASE turnout in states that recommend them, such as Georgia and Indiana. SOURCES: Heritage, Heritage
- Specifically in Georgia from 2004 to 2008, turnout increased
- 140% among Hispanic/Latino voters
- 42% among Black voters
- Compared to 8% of Whites
- Specifically in Georgia from 2004 to 2008, turnout increased
CLAIM: Voter ID is simply another way to implement racist Jim Crow-type laws, like literacy tests!
- TRUTH: No it's not.
- Jim Crow relied on other discriminatory laws that directly impacted blacks. Are there any laws on the books that prohibit blacks or latinos from getting identification?
- Unlike Jim Crow laws, voter ID is the ONLY thing that PROTECTS the integrity of the vote,15th Amendment, Voting Rights Act.
CLAIM: Voter ID laws disproportionately affect minorities.
- TRUTH: There is no proof of that.
- There was ONE notorious study published in the Washington Post that asserted this. SOURCE: Washington Post
- But it has since been refuted by virtually all subsequent studies on the matter. SOURCE: Stanford
- STANFORD: The WaPo study relied on self-reporting surveys and lumped states that required ID for years with states in their first year of voter ID laws.
- When Stanford fixed these problems, they found: "The effect for whites is positive, but only statistically significant in primaries. The effect for Latinos is sometimes positive, sometimes negative, and generally not significant."
CLAIM: It's harder for black people to get identification.
- TRUTH: 87% of black people have some form of confirmed photo ID. SOURCE: ProjectVote (pg. 3)
CLAIM: Poor minorities can't drive to the DMV!
- TRUTH: They can procure their ID online as well.
- You can replace your ID online, and in some states renew it online. SOURCE: DMV
- The DMV isn't the only place you can go to get an ID. Many states also issue IDs from the secretary of state's office, county election offices, and even homeless shelters.
- AND there are more DMVs and voter verification facilities in urban areas where, demographically, more minorities tend to live than in rural areas, which are predominantly white.
CLAIM: Minorities don't have access to/can't use the internet.
- TRUTH: That's not true. And you don't need the internet to get an ID. SOURCE: Pew Research
- 80% of blacks and Latinos have smartphones in this country compared to 82% of whites, which is a statistically insignificant difference.
- BLACK: 85% use the internet.
- LATINO: 86% use the internet.
- Compared to whites: 92% use the internet
CLAIM: The GOP is basing this on the idea that without ID, voter fraud occurs! And there is no evidence of this at all!
- TRUTH: There have been MANY documented instances of voter fraud.
- GEORGIA: Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger said some 1,000 residents voted twice in the state's 2020 June primary. SOURCE: FORBES
- NEW JERSEY: A judge ordered a new election after a city councilman was charged with fraud. SOURCE: AP
- NORTH CAROLINA: In 2019, a new election was held in North Carolina's 9th district due to abnormalities in the absentee vote totals and allegations of ballot harvesting. SOURCE: ABC
- NEVADA: A Clark County local election of just 153K votes was thrown out due to a large number of discrepancies. SOURCE: NYPost
- CALIFORNIA: During the March presidential primary, more than 100,000 mail-in ballots were rejected. Over 27,000 were rejected because the signatures didn't match the voter, or there was no signature at all. SOURCE: PBS
- NEW YORK: Six weeks after a June 2020 election, two congressional seats still hadn't been decided. SOURCE: New York Times
- MICHIGAN: 846 ballots had to be thrown out because the voter was dead. SOURCE: Detroit News
- OHIO: About 50,000 Ohio voters receive wrong absentee ballots in Oct 2020. SOURCE: The Hill
- VIRGINIA: 1,000-plus voters received TWO mail-in ballots. SOURCE: NBC
- EU: 63 percent ban mail-in voting unless living abroad and another 22 percent require a photo ID to obtain a mail-in ballot. Twenty-two percent ban the practice even for those who live abroad. SOURCE: Newsweek
- Japan and Poland limited mail-in voting to those who have special certificates verifying they are disabled. SOURCE: SSRN
- France banned absentee voting in 1975 because of massive fraud in Corsica, where postal ballots were stolen or bought and voters cast multiple votes. SOURCE: SSRN
CLAIM: Voting is a constitutional right. Why should ANYBODY have to pay to exercise it, even if it's just $4?
- TRUTH: Voting is a right. Every citizen over 18 who isn't a felon has the right to vote.
- But EXERCISING that right is a PRIVILEGE. It's not the government's duty to ship you a free ID and ballot, just as it isn't their duty to ship you a free firearm license and gun.
- And an ID is a commodity. You don't have the right to a commodity.
CLAIM: It doesn't matter that elections are run by states. The Constitution is what allowed Jim Crow to happen by granting states too much power.
- Granting states the authority to manage their own elections is what prevents a federalized voting system from being abused by a totalitarian government. Would you have liked it if Trump took control of the national voting process?
- The Voting Rights Act guarantees every citizen the right to vote. One voter=one vote. How do you suggest we protect that, other than voter identification requirements?
For more from the CHANGE MY MIND series:
- Trump Is Not a Racist: Change My Mind
- CNN Is Fake News: Change My Mind
- PROTESTER SCREAMS Then Rethinks: Change My Mind
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