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ColumnsApril 12, 2017
Wake Up 'Feminists': Transgenderism is the War on Women!
Drag queen or transwoman, this is NOT a lady.
Dear "feminists" who claim to care about other women but let anyone into the women's club even if they're equipped with penises, as you bitch about the patriarchy and whine about gender stereotypes:
- While you were knitting genital hats, marching on cities to protest for "women's rights" (but actually protesting the sake of protesting), a man decided he could be a woman simply by saying so.
- While you were concerning yourselves with the extermination of white men from planet Earth, foolishly exposing your comical stupidity and abhorrent racism, a man decided he could be a woman by wearing a dress.
- While you were perpetuating a lie about 1/4 women are sexually assaulted on college campuses, insisting there's a rape culture against women, a man decided he could use ladies' bathrooms and locker rooms.
- While you were complaining about not making as much money as men, while ignoring how men and women pick different jobs, thus exposing your inability to read farther than two sentences, a man took the "Woman of the Year" award, and cosmetic company made a boy their new "CoverGirl" spokesperson.
- While you were bitching about the patriarchy, a "secret" conglomeration of men determined to keep women down, a man decided to run on the women's track and field team. And he won. The same for weightlifting and volleyball. Not to put too fine an eye-liner point on it.
Brief side note: transmen (girls who think they're boys) aren't being discussed in this post because there isn't a large contingent of men whining about "the matriarchy" conducting a "war on men." Let's move on...
All of this happened while you, feminists, claimed to care about "women's rights," while actual men trampled all over said rights and actual, biological women. These men, who parade as ladies while embracing every single stereotype you've claimed to loathe and despise, continue dropping their pants to shit upon what it means to be a woman. While you applaud their "bravery."
Wake the hell up, you dim-witted, screeching bovines who refuse to wear tampons for stupid reasons like "stopping period shame." The only shameful issue surrounding periods is men clip-clopping around in peep-toe pumps believing they're just as womanly as those women who have periods. If you want proof of the patriarchy, check the grown man in the stall next to you, who's not quite sure what that box mounted to the stall wall is for. Surprise for him when he pops that one open and realizes it's not a lipstick dispensary. Almost as bad as finding a penis betwixt your legs if you believe yourself to be Rose in Titanic.
But no matter how many gaudy diamonds a man wears below his stubbly Adam's apple, he'll never be a queen of anything. He's a man. A man with an ego big enough to believe he can simply make himself into a lady by stating it, making YOU conform to HIS reality.
No, it's not all ego. There's a dangerous dose of delusion mixed in his estrogen cocktail. Those who are phobic of reality are waging war against those of us living by its rules.
Calling transgender people "delusional" or "egotistical" is not hate speech. A man who is a man is not a woman. If you find that hateful or offensive, consider smacking yourself in the head. If not once, five or six times.
But this open letter isn't for the delusional dudes prancing about town dressed like pinup models. It's to you ladies who allow these hairy-beasted ogres into our club of femininity without raising one naturally thin eyebrow. Thereby selling womanhood to the lowest bidder: men. Delusional ones. I know I typed "delusional" already. Bears repeating as often as these hogs shove their trunks into pantyhose, and tuck their dicks in...wherever, I don't want to visualize let's move on.
What happened to women being valued for being women? If being a woman is as simple as stating it (or my favorite, claiming they have a "female brain," whatever that is) while embodying all the female stereotypes of a Barbie doll, what other conclusions can I draw other than your disinterest in the value of real women?
It sure seems as if transwomen think all it takes to be a lady is to look like one. Grinding women, and womanhood, down to basic parts and fashion choices. If ever there was an attack on femininity, this is it.
We have men taking our jobs, invading our private spaces, pushing us out of opportunities all with society's blessing. Branding anyone who objects to the shameless appropriation of femininity -- and masculinity when "transmen" pretend to be boys -- as "transphobic."
Meanwhile you "feminists" are bitching about the gender pay gap and pinning it on "the patriarchy."
The patriarchy doesn't take the form of Armani-suited men sitting around a boardroom table like King Arthur's knights, waxing eloquent about what masters of the universe they are, back-slapping each other between butt-slapping their busty secretaries, get me a sandwich, sweetie.
The patriarchy is Caityln Jenner, a beefy former Olympian who's decided to be a shemale and cut off his winky, leading a trendy movement for men who see an opportunity to advance by figuratively shoving (or sometimes literally punching) real women out of the way. See also HISTORIC: French Vogue Screws Biological Women, Features 'Transwoman' on Cover.
Kiss women's sports goodbye as men take over and cream real women. Because yes, ladies, men are physically stronger than we are. They're going to perform better in sports. Women's sports were established so WOMEN could play SPORTS with other WOMEN! For the fun of it. To compete with each other. To play. Women's sports were not, to my knowledge, established for entertaining the masses. Or for wimpy men who couldn't hack it with the boys. Watching female sports, in general, isn't that interesting. Exceptions to every rule, sure. But letting men compete with us?
Women's sports are for women. Men's sports are for men. Let the boys play with the boys, let the girls play with the girls. Otherwise, it's not fun anymore, is it? Ask the girls who keep losing to boys. Ask them how they feel about being constantly made to feel less simply because a boy is beating them.
And yet you ladies, who allow actual girls to be routinely defeated by actual boys, have the audacity to lecture the rest of society about "women being paid and valued less." Let's all be thankful irony hasn't taken the form of a fat pride feminist, you'd have suffocated long ago.
Behold, this is your war on women. Not Mitt Romney with a "binder full of women." Men, taking over what it actually means to be a woman while appropriating how we look, how we sound, and how we dress, while actually taking that which belongs to women, is the war on women. A war perpetrated with your third-wave feminist blessing.
Consider your hypocritical selves just as exposed as a transwoman's dick in yoga pants. Then get out of the way, women concerned with delusional men's appropriation of feminity have work to do.
~Written by Courtney Kirchoff, a biological woman