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ArticlesJuly 03, 2019
WATCH: Andy Ngo Details Brutal Attack at the Hands of Portland Antifa
Portland Antifa's attack on journalist Andy Ngo was horrible. As was a lot of the mainstream reaction to it (see Dear Media: Your Failure to Condemn Antifa Proves Donald Trump is Right About You… and WATCH: “Fact” “Checking” Site Snopes Ignores Video of Antifa Attacking Journalist). The reporter joined Tucker Carlson this week to describe what happened in detail.
I eventually stumbled away bleeding. Across the park, and I lost my balance. So I sat down on the ground in front of the courthouse. A medic informed me that in order to get in an ambulance to be taken to a hospital, I would have to walk to the police precinct. In other words, walk back in the direction of the demonstrators who just attacked me.
Everyone knows the whataboutism drill by now. Imagine Ngo was attacked by people wearing MAGA hats. Or if a single person wearing a MAGA hat so much as yelled at him. Now turn on CNN and MSNBC's wall-to-wall coverage of the attack. Can you imagine how we'd hear about the state of America, its racism, its homophobia? You really don't need to imagine it, just flash back to how they covered the Covington Catholic boys.
Not that CNN didn't cover this story, to be fair. They even interviewed the reporter. But hardly with the zeal and all hands on deck approach they would have given the story had the story allowed them to paint the right as violent extremists who hate the valiant media.
Antifa is what happens after a decade of Democrats claiming anyone who disagrees with them about anything ever are racist sexist homophobic transphobes who are literally going to kill you with climate change and net neutrality. And never getting called out for doing so.
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