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ArticlesSeptember 30, 2019
WATCH: Bill Maher Dunks on Virtue Signalling Liberals "White Guilt"
Few things are more tedious than leftist virtue signaling about whiteness, save Tess Holliday on a high wire (see Feminist Blames “Whiteness” For Her Friends Abandoning Her. That’s Not It… and Yoga Instructor Starts Class to Help White People Shed ‘White Supremacy’). Ask any of the not-white people in the 48 states between California and New York about the virtue signaling around "whiteness" and they'd probably agree. Also here to agree that bitching about "whiteness" is annoyingAF, Bill Maher.
I'm sure the Asian community appreciates white people protecting them from the racism and hate-speak of -- checks notes -- Andrew Yang?
White liberals are the only group that has a bias against themselves. They want to hang out only with people who are not them. There is a weird, self-loathing going on with white liberals and it's not helping anyone. Hating all things white is just tedious virtue signaling.
I believe "progressivism" is actually Latin for "tedious virtue signaling." Right behind the first definition of insufferable toe-licking munch face. Pretty sure.
As Maher suggests, maybe liberals should put their money where their face holes are in a constant state of flapping. Let's have a Democrat presidential candidate town hall. Seven hours on MSNBC so the candidates can tell America, where white people are still the majority last I checked, how much white people suck. Cory Booker gets ten extra minutes than Bernie Sanders. Just make sure both Bernie and Sleepy Joe Biden have some barker loungers, warm milk, and some heated blankets. Beto can do the whole thing in Spanglish. Elizabeth Warren can have her town hall live from an Indian casino. She can do it up properly and have herself a beer. I smell ratings!
Until the Democrats are ready to take this "tax white people for whiteness" seriously and not as a way to score empty points, we need to be done with white guilt. Can we find some common ground here?