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PoliticsMarch 08, 2019
WATCH: Jewish Congressman Explains His No Vote for Sham "Anti-Hate" Bill
The week started off with the Democrat-controlled House wanting a resolution denouncing anti-Semitic Congresswoman Ilan Omar's anti-Semitic comments. Which she come out of her like explosive ca-ca (see Nancy Pelosi Defends Ilhan Omar’s Anti-Semitic Comments by Comparing Her to a Child and WATCH: Ilhan Omar Refuses to Answer Reporter’s Questions About Her Own Tweets). Other leftists circled the wagons around her. So Democrats went the all lives matter route by passing an anti-hate resolution. All hate matters. Some Republicans called bullplop and voted against it. So of course, cries from a totally unbiased media could be heard, "ZOMG, how can you vote against anti-hate?!?!?!?" Let Jewish Congressman Lee Zeldin explain why.
Let's be honest. We are here right now because of anti-semitic comments said by one member of this chamber again and again and again. We would not be on this floor otherwise right now to discuss this topic. If that member was a Republican, that member's name would be in this resolution. And this resolution would be all about condemning anti-Semitism. And it would be done so forcefully.
Here's the deal. Was the predictable media making me and you stabby last night? Of course. But at the end of the day, we all know Representative Ilhan Omar is going to, once again, say something anti-Semitic. Probably within a month. The spin I'm more focused on is how this week started the Jeremy Corbyn-ization of the Democrat Party. Corbyn being the anti-Semitic leader of the UK's Labour Party. But don't take my word for it. Check out this VOX article from today:
Labour’s controversy over anti-Semitism is fairly recent. It’s often traced back to 2015, when Jeremy Corbyn became the party leader. Corbyn, seen as on Labour’s left wing, has long defended the rights of Palestinians and often been more critical than the party mainstream of Israel’s government...This tension has at times led to a tendency on the left to indulge in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and tropes — like blaming a Jewish conspiracy for Western governments’ support of Israel or equating Jews who support Israel with Nazi collaborators.
This is the road the Democrat Party is going down, quickly without stopping. No 24-hour anti-GOP news cycle is going to stop it.
And I'm just sitting here popping all the popcorn.