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ArticlesSeptember 03, 2019
WATCH: Joe Biden Goes All In on His Anti-Gun Agenda, Wants to Ban Magazines
The next Democrat debates are going to be something. We would say "fun" but not sure sitting through another round of Democrat pandering is fun for anyone other than the most devout of masochists. Hosted by ABC News and Univision, it was assumed the candidates would try to out open borders each other. Now it looks like they'll try to outgun grab each other too (see Cory Booker, David Hogg Think Toy Guns Are More Regulated than Real Guns and Beto O’Rourke Talks Gun Control, Demonstrates Lack of Knowledge on AR-15s). Even "moderate" Joe Biden is looking to ban all the guns. Plus the magazines and bullets that go in them.
We're talking about loosening access, to have guns, to be able to take them into places of worship, I mean, it is absolutely irrational. It's totally irrational. The idea that we don't have elimination of assault-type weapons, magazines that can hold multiple bullets in them, it's absolutely mindless.
It's probably ageist to mock how Biden kept repeating himself like an old man shouting "bingo" at the local rec center. But did you notice how Biden kept repeating his "it's mindless" and "totally irrational" like he was shouting bingo at the local rec center?
A confused Biden then went on to say how he used to make his kids go out and sell magazines to learn the value of a dollar. He was upset to learn a magazine for an AR-15 didn't include a centerfold. Of an eight-year-old girl with pig tails.
It's no violation of the Second Amendment.
It is, actually. Specifically the "shall not be infringed" part of the Second Amendment.
Whenever Democrats get GUN GRAB ALL THE THINGS, we all know they want to chip away at the Second Amendment, the right which allows Americans to keep and bear arms in order to prevent tyranny. We have that sucker in order to "keep a free state."
But the Democrats are never honest about what they want to do for a simple reason: Americans like their guns. They want to keep their guns. They want to keep their free states. If Democrats were to openly admit they wanted to eliminate the Second Amendment, there would be justifiable panic in the streets. So instead, we have bumbling Biden repeating himself about irrational and mindless things like assaulty rifles with vertical grip things in hopes of scaring his mindless and irrational voting base who can't tell the difference between a BB gun and a Mini-30.
This is Biden's strong pitch to be president. Your president. Yay.