Welcome to the turn around of your Monday. Here you thought "oh crap, Monday." But no. Because below is a video of Based Dad Dr. Jordan Peterson dumping his finest load all over Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau. I don't care what coworkers send you today, no cat video will beat this.
It's one Canadian trashing another Canadian. "Weasel" in Canadian is "Mother-f*cker" according to the urban dictionary located directly between my two ears. You can argue with me but there's no point. Peterson essentially took Pretty Young Thing Trudeau, pulled down his pants, and smacked Trudeau's bare buttocks with a ping-pong paddle.
Peterson's spanking comes right on the heels of the revelation Justin may have covered up the payment of prostitutes. Which, last I checked, was generally frowned upon, even if one's eyebrows are real or pasted. Even if Trudeau is cleared of all wrong-doing, Peterson's critique of the dew-skinned boy bander is on point: Trudeau traded on his father's name with little to no accomplishment of his own, and plays gender politics like a slow child plays with his own spit.