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CultureJuly 11, 2016
Watch Lauren Southern Make a SJW Cry...with WORDS!
Lauren Southern is a favorite of ours here at LwC (see Lauren Southern Talks #Brexit Violence and Muslim Demographics in Europe and Lauren Southern Talks Boobs, Feminists and Immigration on #LwC), and this tweet is a reason why.
Read below to learn about what set this off, but first, LOL so hard at the reaction...
So here's the rundown from what I can best tell so far: the protestors went to the police - there to protect people from actual violence - to try to get Lauren removed (if not arrested) because they didn't like the words she was using. And OMG, LOOK! SHE MADE US CRY! WE NEED TO BE PROTECTED!
Also, did anyone catch what that one SJW leftist said? It's pivotal.
"The police are here to protect us. NOT to police us!"
See, this is why you have an entire generation of whiny, privileged, BlackLivesMatter (or *insert cause of the day here*) SJW liberals who are so comfortable vilifying people like the police. It's because they have no idea as to what policing actually is. They don't know what the police are actually hired to do.
The same can be said for their opinions on "the wealthy" or "hate-speakers." They don't know any of the things. But they have opinions on all of the things. Can you imagine how frustrating that must be? To be totally uninformed and unequipped to deal with basic conversational and/or reasoning skills? So what do they do? They cry, whine and demand that people be silenced.
Also, kudos to the police officer, who looked very much like he was doing everything he could not to burst out in laughter. Even he's amazed at this generation of free-speech-hating, whiny little brats. Though we shouldn't be surprised...
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