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ArticlesJune 04, 2019
WATCH: London Trump Supporter Violently Harassed, Milkshaked
A few rabble-rousing limeys in the land of Shakespeare and the idea that mashed peas are somehow a condiment (no), got a little raw in the rump over a visit from their version of He Who Shall Not Named. But, as we well know from blokes like Nigel Farage, Daniel Hannan, Paul Joseph Watson, and this little movement called "Brexit," not all who live in the land of David Beckham's left foot are kool-aid swilling, buck-teethed twits. One such man walked amongst Britain's violent, rude, anti-Trump crowd and was, obviously, treated to a little of that trademark British politeness we often hear about... via loud taunts and a baptism via frothed dairy. Watch:
Remember, the left is the very definition of elegance, tolerance, acceptance and all things love. Unless you say or support something which they frown upon, in which case you're a Nazi and deserve death. If not a perfectly fine milkshake all over your stupid, stupid face.
In a plot twist as original as the guy getting the girl in the end, this particular Trump-supporter wasn't going to just lie down and take it like some kind of Hufflepuff. He had an extra helping of his bangers with his mash this morning and sidled up to get a little action against the milkshake tosser, hitting return to sender.
So, what have we learned here? Mainly that a leftist gas-bunny is the same kind of leftist gas-bunny regardless of geographical location and/or lack of a dental plan. Also if you're going to target a Trump-supporter, understand that Trump-supporter may not have a problem retaliating against your limp-wristed petty violence. Be prepared to defend yourself against a person defending themselves from you being an insufferable wanker.
Long live the queen.
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