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ArticlesApril 02, 2019
WATCH: Satirist Jonathan Pie Mocks Progressives Who are Obsessed with being Oppressed
If you are obsessed with being oppressed, you're probably a woke social justice wanker who is going to hate this Jonathan Pie video. You probably hate his other videos too (see Jonathan Pie: Not Everyone Who Disagrees with You is a Nazi [VIDEO] and British Satirist Slams ‘Snowflake’ Students Who Hate Free Speech…). Really, all of them except for the anti-Trump and anti-Brexit ones. Which is fine. Different strokes and ish.
This is an older video YouTube thought I'd like to see today. Sometimes the social media overlord algorithms get it right:
Stop sanitizing and denying the past just to make yourself look good. We live in the most inclusive, progressive, diverse, prosperous society ever in human history. Yet we behave like we've never had it so f*cking bad. We used to react to prejudice. Now we actively seek it out. Often where it doesn't exist.
Personally, I blame clickbait and social media for that last part. People -- mostly leftist people -- have managed to monetize hate by creating it where it doesn't exist; like every time five randos on Twitter have the same dumb opinion on a movie. Or when a blue check mark tweets what was on their "slight inconvenience of the day" toilet paper. Or if you were ever within 100 feet of someone named Trump, or even worse, a hat made popular by Trump. Slap on a misleading headline, make it at least 500 words so that you can squeeze two ads on the page instead of just one, and send it to a woke minded engineer at Twitter so they can press the button that makes something trend. Now everyone is sharing this misleading piece on why you should hate or be pissed off about something. And everyone is full of hate and pissed off. Even though not everyone read the article, just reacted to the headline.
Everyone wants to feel heard. Fine. But not everyone deserves to be listened to. Especially the career offended.