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ArticlesOctober 21, 2019
WATCH: Trump Says Democrats are Lousy Politicians But Better at Uniting Against Republicans
To establish honesty credit, sometimes I think Trump tweets like a child. Remember when he spelled "moat" "Moot"? Which doesn't mean he can't also tweet like a freaking genius. Okay? Okay. However, there are sometimes when Trump is so right it could give someone the goosepimples. For example this. Trump just said the Democrats are terrible politicians, but dang it can they form a united front. Unlike Republicans who somehow get stuck with Mitt Romney -- and -- not mentioned in this soundbite but likely thought, John McCain:
From The Hill:
"I watched a couple of people on television today. They were talking about what a phony deal it is. What a phony investigation it is," Trump said during the Cabinet meeting, dismissing allegations that he's abused his office."And Republicans have to get tougher and fight," he continued. "We have some that are great fighters, but they have to get tougher and fight because the Democrats are trying to hurt the Republican party for the election, which is coming up, where we’re doing very well."
You can bet the Democrats' infighting is something to behold. Heck, just every letter in the growing LGBTQ+ alphabet probably can't stand each other. But when it comes to fighting Republicans and advancing a leftist agenda, the left forms a united front against the right. It is spectacular strategy.
But the right, we're not ones to circle the wagons. We tend to throw each other under the proverbial bus because "So and so said this thing about me" or "that guy's ego is bigger than Mount Rushmore" or "yeah but FoxNews can suck it" or "Blame the boomers." Pretty much any variation of "well, he/she's not perfect so screw 'em." Whatever excuse it is, the right seems to have it and use it. I've also seen a few negative comments on Facebook dismissing anything positive Chris Pratt has said simply because "Yeah but he got a divorce."
Which isn't to say we can't be honest about each other. We can. I still maintain Trump can sometimes be a bit of a dick. But he's our dick, and we should support him against the left. What we shouldn't have are Rino mealy-mouthed double speakers like Mitt Romney or John McCain (yes I know he's dead but death doesn't erase what a crapshow he was), hoping to get a little love from the side of the aisle that kills babies to fill their coffers.
Sure, Trump tweets like a child. But we can still focus on the big picture and unite to fight the left, right? ... RIGHT?