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AbortionMay 24, 2016
Leftists Watch Abortion Video. Immediately Become Pro-Life On Camera!
For those of us who are pro-life, murder and abortion are interchangeable. Mostly because abortion is murder. But to pro-choicers, abortion is no more murderous than having a wart removed. This comes as no surprise, given that they liken babies to an unwanted tumor (EVIL: Woman Fakes Cancer to Get Tax-Payer Funded, Second Trimester Abortion).
You'd think the people who so fervently defend abortion would be well acquainted with the actual abortion process, right? ...Right?
Turns out not so much. Watch what happens when they learn about the abortion procedure.
Excuse me as I pick my jaw up off the floor. Let's recap. Here are a few things this video reveals about the majority of pro-choicers:
- Most people are pro-choice by default
- They're either misinformed or unfamiliar with abortion procedures
- They're unaware of when life begins (conception)
- They don't realize how developed the fetus is inside the womb
Take a moment to process this, because the evidence above puts a lot into perspective. For instance, how slimy pro-abortion platforms like Salon.com RAGE when shown photos of aborted fetuses. Because seeing dead babies is awful? No. Because they don't want reality raining down on their feelings parade. They don't want to be reminded that fetuses are people. Well, they were. Before PP pulled them apart and sold their organs. Yeah, abortion is a cash cow, that's another reason they want to keep the details of it hidden. So as not to affect their bottom line.
The point is that when people see said evidence of the unborn's humanity, the ice around their hearts begins to melt.
Take note of the tipping point for the self-admitted pro-choicers above. These people were rather convinced of their stance before watching the video which documents an abortion procedure.
Interviewer: Would you consider yourself pro-life, pro-choice, or neither?Interviewee: Pro-choice.
Interviewer: Would you restrict it at any point?
Interviewee: No.
Interviewer: So all the way up until birth?
Interviewee: All the way up.
This gal is completely down for pro-choice. She's the Oprah of abortions. Free pregnancy terminations for everyone. Even if the baby is full-term - nine months old - its painful death has her stamp of approval. So did the interviewer argue with her? No. He simply showed her what abortion really is... And that was enough to completely change her mind.
This is why the pro-life movement matters. Furthermore, this is why the action part of the pro-life movement, not just the "I pray about it" movement*, matters so much. Exposing abortion for what it is to the people who support it is crucial to changing laws on abortion.
There's a reason why leftists try to hide what abortion really is (read Dear Leftists: If There's Nothing Wrong with Abortion, Why are you Hiding it So?). It's ugly and traumatizing to witness (like these Feminist Photos), and it's even worse for the mother and child involved. This proves that sometimes all it takes to change someone's mind is an honest video. Which shouldn't surprise anyone. Why else do you think the pro-abortion side is trying to hide abortion? Because the truth of it horrifies most people. As it should. If people change their minds on abortion, just by learning more about abortion, what happens to abortion? Eventually, it's no longer tolerated. Eventually people demand change.
Exposing the truth of abortion, what it really is, changes hearts and minds. Keeping it hidden just feeds the leftist agenda.
Speaking of changing hearts on abortion...
*Prayer is great, yes. But prayer in combination with action is more effective than prayer alone. If you disagree, pray about it. Or take action and tweet me @Courtneyscoffs. See what I did there?
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