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PoliticsJuly 20, 2023
Five tweets to summarize IRS 'Whistleblower X,' a gay democrat, and his testimony before Congress
Whistleblower X revealed himself before Congress on Wednesday and testified that federal prosecutors obstructed his probe of Hunter Biden to protect him from felony charges. Hunter is of course the son of Joe Biden and the federal prosecutors work in the federal government Hunter's dad is in charge of. SPOILER: There was a lot more Hunter could have been banged for outside of the sweetheart deal he got.
Funny because when we mention Hunter and "banging," it tends to mean prostitutes. Trust me. We've got plenty of that coming up.
My personal opinion about hearings is that they are a lot of bluster and mugging to the cameras for content. They are up there with the State of the Union Address when it comes to silly political theater. Plus the reality is nothing will happen until conservatives take back the White House (and also nominate someone who can win a general election). We know the Bidens are scumbags. You know the Bidens are scumbags. The Left and the media know as well, hence they're twisting themselves into pretzels trying to avoid acknowledging "Geez, this stuff looks bad."
Here are a few tweets from yesterday to store away for future reference. But first, who is "Whistleblower X" other than someone who worked on the Hunter Biden criminal tax investigation?
Joe Ziegler, a special agent with the tax agency for 13 years, described himself as a "gay Democrat married to a man" and said he decided to come forward despite his personal politics because he believes "no one should be above the law regardless of your political affiliation." It was the first public appearance by Ziegler, who had previously given closed-door testimony to Congress under the alias "Whistleblower X."
Ziegler revealed a LOT of money from Hunter's foreign business dealings. Remember, Hunter's dad is the former president of the United States and Hunter NEVER discussed business matters with him. Hashtag foreshadowing.
In an interview with CBS News, Zeigler was uncomfortable answering a question about if he saw any evidence Joe Biden financially benefited from his son’s deals.
There can't be a discussion about Hunter Biden without mention of his fondness for prostitutes. Because you got to give the people what they want.
Democrats know the all-day testimony was bad for them because they spent most of it bringing up their favorite distraction when things are going bad for them. The former president of the United States.
Finally, remember when I hashtagged "foreshadowing" before? This is just unfortunate...
And as a bonus tweet, here is Rep. Margorie Taylor Greene introducing into the congressional record photos of Hunter Biden banging whores.
The American people have known for a while that there are two justice systems in America. Exhibit Q is Hunter Biden getting the same deal every other spoiled rich kid gets if their dad is powerful enough. The fact that Hunter's dad is the President of the United States makes it a bigger slap in the face.
These hearings won't lead to any direct action. A year and a half of reminding the American people about the detail is a different story.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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