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White HouseFebruary 01, 2024
Undercover footage exposes how little WH staff think of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris: "She hemorrhages black staff"
It will never cease to amaze me how much Washington DC staffers don't know that the city has ears and eyes everywhere. Yet they still insist on badmouthing their powerful employees in social settings. Dinkuses such as Top White House Cyber Security Official Charlie Kraiger. You know the polls that show you how little the American people think of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? It appears people in the White House don't like them much either.
At least, according to Kraiger trying to impress his date. More on the date in a bit.
The people who work for Biden, much like all of us with functioning eyes, have noticed the president in OBVIOUS mental decline. But, “no one in modern history has ever said, like, ‘We're not going to renominate the president for a second term.’”
They hate Kamala too. Though, a certain group more than others. "[She] hemorrhages black staff. She can't keep black staff. They quit on her en masse."
Michelle Obama as a potential replacement? Not according to an alleged meeting with the former first lady. "And she said, ‘No’ Empathically.” She was like, ‘I've seen all this shit my husband has had to go through and that does not interest me.’"
BREAKING VIDEO: Top White House Cyber Official tells O’Keefe in Disguise “they can't say it publicly” the White House wants to replace Kamala Harris and Confirms President @JoeBiden mental decline: “Biden is definitely slowing down.”
“I'm just telling you what I've heard…… pic.twitter.com/75Wdw03DHs
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) January 31, 2024
But here's my favorite part, and what makes this an ALL TIME video. Here's Kraiger's date he was blabbing to:
IT'S JAMES O'KEEFE IN DISGUISE. Depending on if you count blond hair and glasses as a "disguise."
It is a CYBER SECURITY EXPERT blabbing to a date, which would be bad enough. But he's blabbing to date not knowing who the date is... James O'Keefe.
Your job is to secure the internet on behalf of the White House, and you don't know you are on a date with a guy who invented the genre of getting people to expose their employers while on dates... and then share the footage on the internet. O'Keefe didn't even send one of his associates. He Clark Kent'ed it. And a guy in charge of cyber security for the White House let it slip that people who work there don't wanna work for Kamala and think Biden is losing his marbles, but what can you do?
I'm disappointed in O'Keefe's reveal. I would have gone full-on WWE Attitude Era, "IT WAS ME, CHARLIE. IT WAS ME ALL ALONG."
If you live in the DC area and cyber security is your passion, it would appear there is a job opening in The White House.
Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn't writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.
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