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CultureMay 26, 2022
Production Company Gives Sneak Peek of Winnie the Pooh Horror Reboot: 'Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey'
New movies these days are full of leftist propaganda, and it's made it difficult to find something worth watching, but I may have just stumbled upon a gem I won't be capable of resisting.
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey has just finished filming and is currently in post-production. And from the stills--a few of which you can see over at Variety--it looks to be the kind of B-list horror movie 2022 needs to offset the leftist propaganda from Hollywood. (EDIT: Here's a direct link because someone is being selfish with their exclusive).
'Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey' | GMQC gets sneak peek of new live-action horror movieyoutu.be
Director and co-producer of the film Rhys Waterfield--who also produced such widely-known favorites as Firenado and Demonic Christmas Tree (I'm kidding--I have never heard of these movies)--told Variety in an interview that Pooh and Piglet are "the main villains... going on a rampage" after "Christopher Robin is pulled away from them, and he's not [given] them food, [and] it's made Pooh and Piglet's life quite difficult. [...] [T]hey've essentially become feral."
The concept intrigues me. I've never been a big fan of Winnie the Pooh--not even when I was a child--but who doesn't love a B- or even C-list horror film? C'mon, if you can honestly tell me you've never watched Rubber or Zombeavers, you don't know what you're missing out on. Do yourself a favor and add those titles to your next movie night.
I'll be doing myself a favor and checking out this soon-to-be cult classic. I predict it will be as popular and timeless as Rocky Horror Picture Show in no time! Mark my words!
And if we're being honest, it cannot be worse than the kind of crap being put out on the popular streaming services like Discovery+ and Disney+. Or at least, it doesn't look like that's going to be the case. I reserve the right to come back and trash the film if they end up using it to push climate change or something.
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