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EducationOctober 14, 2023
Parents Outraged Over Teacher PURPOSELY Showing Violent 'Winnie The Pooh' Horror Film To Nine-Year-Olds
It is no surprise at this point that we have a shortage of qualified teachers in our nation's schools. It seems that every day we have at least several stories of degenerate people with abhorrent behaviors parading around our public schools pretending to care about kids.
Well, the spooky season is upon us. And for some people, math is enough to scare people to not go to school.
Last year, we had daycare workers terrorize kids with masks from the movie Scream as youngins screamed for their lives. This year, we had a fourth grade teacher show the ”Winnie the Pooh '' horror movie to the class and students said that he refused to turn it off even as they were begging him to.
So we are all on the same page:
Michelle Diaz said her twins were deeply affected by seeing “Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey” in their math class.
“I feel completely abandoned by the school,” Michelle Diaz said to CBS Miami.
The film is unrated and contains graphic depictions of torture, murder, nudity, and profanity.
Diaz said the students begged the teacher to turn the movie off but he refused.
Which only makes me think he enjoyed traumatizing them.
“He didn’t stop the movie, even though there were kids saying, ‘Hey, stop the movie, we don’t want to watch this.”
Diaz claimed some kids were seriously affected by this.
According to Diaz, the movie was decided upon after the teacher allowed the students to choose.
You know, because democracy rules or whatever.
“It’s not for them to decide what they want to do,” she said. “It’s up to the professor to look at the content.”
The film portrays Pooh and Piglet going on a bloody rampage where they murder a bunch of people. This includes decapitating a person and feeding another person into a woodchipper, to name just a few of the horrific scenes.
The school issued the following statement regarding the incident:
“The Academy for Innovative Education has become aware that a segment of a horror movie was shown to fourth graders, on Monday, October 2, 2023, that was not suitable for the age group,” the statement said. “Our administration promptly addressed this issue directly with the teacher and has taken appropriate action to ensure the safety and well-being of students.”
In other words, the school board is sorry they got caught and just told the teacher to not do it again. They don’t actually care.
And go ahead and “ensure their safety” after you violated it.
The school also confirmed that some students had met with a counselor following the incident.
Head of School Vera Hirsh told the Miami New Times that “as soon as the teacher realized what was being shown, the movie was turned off.” And that they "only" approximately 30 minutes of the film.
The fact that they have to add that it was only 30 minutes, which is still a long time, shows that they are downplaying the situation and could care less. And we know that is a lie because many students said he refused to turn it off even though they were begging him.
How do teachers have nearly no concept of what is appropriate for children? There is a complete loss of boundaries that is particularly visible in schools.
The title alone “Winnie the Pooh: Honey and Blood,” should have implied to the clueless teacher that this was inappropriate. But he clearly had other motives here.
I guess it is possible he saw the word "Winnie the Pooh" and shut out the last phrase. And he could have also not paid attention to the movie and just texted his boyfriend the entire time. But even if this scenario is true, which it is probably not, he should still be fired because of his incompetence.
One of the most abhorrent behaviors we see in school is adults who are obsessed with taking away children’s innocence, which is one of the most destructive things you can do.
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