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EducationSeptember 17, 2022
Wisconsin education department seeks to indoctrinate preschoolers into LGBTQ+, transgender ideology
When America's Governor Ron DeSantis passed the Parental Rights in Education act in Florida, the left went insane. They said no one was seeking to indoctrinate young children. They said there was no need for such legislation. They also said that the law banned the uttering of the word "gay," too. The only part of that with any truth to it is that DeSantis passed the law because there were people indoctrinating children. Case and point, the entire program of brainwashing children into believing the tenets of transgender ideology is being promoted by Wisconsin's education department.
According to the Daily Caller, Wisconsin's "Resources for Gender Expansive Preschoolers" (yes, PRESCHOOLERS) "includes a litany of resources for three to five-year-olds, including videos that talk about transgender ideology. One of the videos (embedded below) talks about Ryland Whittington, who you will remember was the girl whose parents spoke to Fox News, advocating for transing children before they can event talk!
The Whittington Family: Ryland's Storywww.youtube.com
Listed in the resources are also various books, such as I am Jazz, which exist solely to push transgenderism on small children.
An official with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction stated,
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction supports and advocates for all Wisconsin students, and that includes our trans and nonbinary students of all ages, as well as their cisgender classmates. Creating safe spaces by affirming identities benefits every student, and part of high-quality education is learning about different perspectives and lived experiences.
But this isn't about being accepting. Children are by nature accepting of others, and teachers are paid to be accepting of students. The materials being pushed are geared toward confusing MORE children into believing they can change their gender because they happen to like a particular color or like playing with certain toys. It's madness, and it's being pushed by the state.
Of course, the left will continue to shrug and deny this is occurring, until it becomes obvious, at which point they will simply say it's a good thing. When do citizens step in to say no? In a state like Wisconsin.... Probably never.
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