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CultureMay 23, 2016
Classic: Famous Anti-Meat Vegan Who Climbed Mt. Everest? Yep, She Died…
From the LWC archives...
All vegans are passionate to the nth degree. Still, they come in different breeds. There are vegan bloggers - who spend their every effort to spread the gospel of eating non-meat gray matter (watch Hilarious! If Meat-Eaters Acted Like Pompous Vegans). There's also vegan people. They're caught between a rock and a hard place: they want to be regular humans who do things.... buuuut doing things takes nutrition and energy. Both are on short supply via the vegan way.
Speaking of that rock and a hard place of veganism this woman got herself quite stuck on a huge rock: Everest. A hard place to be anyway, but probably harder when you're a malnourished herbivore. So did she conquer that mountain by deriving her protein from nuts and seeds? Nope. She died.
An Australian woman who set out to climb Mount Everest to prove that "vegans can do anything" died Saturday after developing altitude sickness. Maria Strydom, 34, had reached the final camp from the summit before she and her husband both began suffering from high-altitude pulmonary edema, which caused fluid to build up in Strydom's brain.Strydom had sought out to prove that she could scale the mountain while on a vegan diet. "It seems that people have this warped idea of vegans being malnourished and weak," Strydom said. "By climbing the seven summits we want to prove that vegans can do anything and more."
That happened. She said those words.
And died.
It's one thing to be an animal rights activist (Chris Pratt: 'I only eat what I kill.' Vegans Freak) and practice what you preach. Being a wimpy PETA advocate is your prerogative. But here's a hard truth learned by this moron above: you're a wimp. I mean that in the most physical of senses. You. Are. A. Wimp. You might be a noble wimp. You might be a wimp with high expectations. Or lofty causes. But you're a wimp nonetheless. Fit meat-eaters have died scaling Everest. So you, a wimp with a terrible diet? Don't try to scale a 30,000 ft mountain after a breakfast, lunch and dinner of tofu.
Because you will die. Then a bunch of smarmy meat-eaters will write a post about how horrible vegan diets are. Ahem.
Hubris killed this woman. She sat atop her Noble High Horse of I don't eat animals therefore I'm better than people who eat animals and I'm going to scale Everest to prove it, then they'll all see, neener neener!
That High Horse done bucked her off. Are all vegans this stupid? No. Well, not yet. But depriving your body of necessary proteins will get you there.
Meat isn't the issue. Well the lack of it might have been. What is the issue here is weaklings with a chip on their shoulders. Now someone's dead because of it. So thanks a lot, vegans. At least now you've proven you can't attain moral or physical superiority through your bogus diet. Now excuse me, I need to eat some bacon.
While I nom on bacon, check out this video...
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