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Liberal MediaMay 27, 2021
Tucker Carlson Exposes Media 'Updating Their Lies' Over 'Wuhan Lab Theory'
Facebook on Wednesday decided we're allowed to claim the 'rona may have been caused by man. This is the "Wuhan Lab Theory," which claims the virus that's wreaked havoc on the planet may have been man-made in a Wuhan lab. It's what a lot of people assumed anyway. But if you said so on Facebook, it was considered a conspiracy theory. Any and all posts remotely on the topic were removed with the full support of the Democrat Party. Facebook claimed the decision to censor what information users were allowed to see was made "following consultations with leading health organizations, including the World Health Organization" who "debunked" the conspiracy. Yes, the same WHO that's (allegedly) in the pocket of Communist China. The same Communist China that Wuhan is in.
However, now that the "right" people are saying the 'rona could be man-made, suddenly this is no longer a conspiracy theory. Curious what changed and how we got to this point? Here's Tucker Carlson with a handy explainer.
Tucker: Media is franticly updating their liesyoutu.be
Suddenly it's the position of the US media. Practically every news agency in the country spent the last week updating its lies about [the Wuhan Lap Theory]. They told you for more than a year "it was a conspiracy theory." Now they're pretending they didn't say that. even Tony Fauci has had to revise his views on this. He dismissed it out of hand. He and Francis Collins at the NIH called it OUTRAGEOUS to ask questions about it. Now? A new Tony Fauci. Just a few hours ago, Fauci admittedly that he really had no idea what kind of research was going on at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. "But he probably should look into it."
The first, obvious, question that comes to mind is what exactly changed from last year to this year.
The fact that the pandemic could have been caused by man is a big enough problem. Equally as big is the lack of interest the media had in investigating it because they didn't like the people who were alleging it could have been man-made. It was more important to claim Donald Trump was a xenophobe because he called the Wuhan Virus the "China Virus" that came from China. Acknowledging that the [solve for x] Virus could have been man-made in China would have meant admitting that Donald Trump was right. Neither the Democrats nor the corporate media wanted that. Big Tech was happy to oblige by censoring anyone who so much as posted a meme about it.
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The theory is every bit has possible (even probable) now as it was then. The only thing that changed is that the RIGHT people are saying so. When the WRONG people were saying so, it was a conspiracy theory. The WRONG people meaning YOU.
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