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2020 ElectionFebruary 12, 2020
Yang Drops Out, Sanders Surges Ahead in New Hampshire as Democrats Embrace Socialism
Tonight is the New Hampshire primary and it's not looking good for Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren or Tulsi Gabbard. Andrew Yang, the guy conservatives on Twitter say is a "cool dude" has already dropped out of the race. I don't care how cool he seems, the dude wanted to take your gasoline powered car from you in order to "save the planet." Bye, Felicia. But the big takeaway from tonight's preliminary primary results is how far left mainstream Democrats have taken their party with their embracing of Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg. Here are the results so far:
Today's Democrats are dominated by the senile, the abortion extremists, and she who ate salad with a comb. I guess there are worse things than eating salad with a comb. Like, say, wanting government to seize the means of production, headed up by a commie who honeymooned in Moscow and didn't earn his first paycheck until he was 40. Yes. That guy. If he succeeds in taking the nomination from 1/1024th maybe South American, Grabber McSniffsitsHair, and Pete Buttgig, the yes, the Democrats are the party of socialist nuts. Officially.
Bernie of the Wispy Flyaway is a socialist slash communist. He is pro-abortion, pro-government ruling every aspect of your life, pro-single-payer, pro-leader of losers who can't bother to make their own way in the world, so screw you earners and give us your money.
If this is the candidate and the direction Democrats are going to run with, good luck. Donald Trump is heading into the next election with record low unemployment, a strong economy, and a way of connecting with people that Democrats can only envy.
Democrats 2020: Eff Personal Freedoms.
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